Three Types Of Content Every Business Should Use

If you are looking to add a marketing strategy into your business, the first thing you are likely going to think about is content. Content is the buzzword in marketing and it includes anything which we see or read that either provokes and emotion from us or let’s us know more about a given subject. It is vast in its range and can be created by absolutely anyone. You can make some amazing content for your business and this will draw more people in to your world and make them see what it is that you are able to offer.

If you are looking for ways to incorporate more content marketing into your business this year, here are the five types of content you absolutely should use.


The first type of content we are going to talk about is images. Imagery is important in your branding and your marketing because it draws people in and makes you stand out from the rest of the competition. If you don’t have an SLR camera to use for your business photography you can use your smartphone, simply download a few editing apps and RNI films to edit your images ready for use online.

When you are creating photographs for your business you will be thinking about a few different categories: product images, advert images and miscellaneous. When you are trying to create stunning images of your products remember to try and set up a nice plain background and also take the images from multiple angles. If the product you are photographing is a small one, try creating a flatlay using different colored paper as a backdrop and small props like petals and objects. When you are creating an advert image you will want to show the product being used in the real world. Hire a model or models to use the product and focus on taking photographs from different angles and viewpoints to give you more to work with when you come to edit. And miscellaneous images will be any other images you post on social media or your website such as related blog post banners, images of your team and any other type of image you think fits with your brand.


The next type of content to utilize for your business is video. You may think of video as just being used on YouTube, and while this is the biggest video platform on the web: you can also integrate video into your website content as well as other social media platforms such as Facebook. When you are thinking of video ideas for your brand think about the type of products you sell. For example if you are a spritz clothing brand, you can use video to show real life people wearing your sportswear while completing different workouts. You can even make a fitness channel on YouTube with you sharing workouts and different healthy living ideas every week with your audience. This will allow you to get your products out there but also provide you with another way to make money through a YouTube channel. Video is always popular if you can nail your niche and get it right.

Social media

Social media is the most popular type of communication in the world these days. If you want to contact someone in the family or a friend you will likely click onto your nearest social media and message them through there. This is an incredibly useful tool to use for a brand because you are able to share your content with the public and make a tangible connection with your audience. There are a lot of different social media platforms you can use, so here are just a few examples you can utilize for your brand:

Facebook– the most popular social media in the world, Facebook is great for everyone and allows you to post a lot of different types of content. You can share images, articles, videos and even ask for opinions to the audience on different products.

Twitter– similar to Facebook, with twitter you are able to share your thoughts, create polls for your audience, share images, articles and video. Always remember to use hashtags when in twitter to gain a wider reach.

Instagram– if you have a brand which relies on imagery such as a fashion brand or a travel brand: Instagram can be a Savior for your business and allow you to share your images to a large audience.

Pinterest– this is a great site to share your stunning images and link them to your content across social media, YouTube and your website. Imagery is important here and you can use an app like Canva to create a long pin to share on the platform.

Social media can be a brilliant tool if you use it consistently and make sure that you engage with your audience at all times.

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